// UPDATE BASKET COUNT // =================== // - function to update the counter shown on the web site of how many items are in the basket function fShopBasketUpdateCounter() { // define the url to call sAjaxURL = "ajax/shop_basket_item-total.php"; // open URL using AJAX $.get(sAjaxURL, function(data) { // get the result $('.result').html(data); // save the results var nShopBasketItemCount = data; // update the div document.getElementById('header-basket').innerHTML=nShopBasketItemCount; }); } // ADD TO BASKET // ============== // - used on catalogue_list.php and catalogue_detail.php // - needs dialogAddToBasket_Inner to be on the page // - is reliant on various fields being in place on the page (bShopLimitOrderByStockLevels) // show buy modal // =============== function fBuy_ShowModal(nShopProd_ID) { // load the add to basket modal $nVariation_ID = 0; if($("#nShopProdOption_ID").length!=0&&$("#productsList").length==0) { $nVariation_ID = $("#nShopProdOption_ID").val(); if($nVariation_ID==0) return; } else $nVariation_ID=0; $( "#dialogAddToBasket" ).dialog(); $( "#dialogAddToBasket" ).dialog( "option", "height", 500 ); $( "#dialogAddToBasket" ).dialog( "option", "width", 500 ); // get the add form page $.get('ajax/shop_basket_add_form.php?nShopProd_ID='+nShopProd_ID+'&nVariation_ID='+$nVariation_ID, function(data) { // get the result $('.result').html(data); // save to the empty div in the modal box we have just loaded $('#dialogAddToBasket_Inner').append(data); }); } // add to basket validate function (called by the add to basket button) // ===================================================================== function fBuy_AddToBasket_Validate(nShopProd_ID, nNumberOfProdOptions, bShopLimitOrderByStockLevels, bCalledFromModal) { // Store this pages nShopProd_ID nCurrentShopProd_ID = nShopProd_ID; // If a variation nShopProd_ID has been selected from drop downs, use that if(nNewShopProd_ID!=0) { nShopProd_ID = nNewShopProd_ID; } // validate qty // ============= var nQty = document.getElementById('nQty').value; // get the value form the qty box if ( (nQty=="") || (!$.isNumeric(nQty)) ) { // check that it has a valid value // if not, display an error and exit alert("Please check the quantity you're trying to add to the basket"); return; } // validate option (if applicable) // ================================ var bVariationCheck = 1; $("select[name$='nShopProdVariationOption_ID']").each(function(){ if($(this).val()=="0") { bVariationCheck = 0; } }); if (bVariationCheck == 0) { alert("Please choose an option from the drop down menu of which version of this item you would like"); return; } // validate required fields // ================================ // Set a flag depending on whether or not it fails var bValidationCheck = 1; // Loop through all required inputs $("input[required][name^='inputfield']").each(function(){ // Check if it has no value if((typeof $(this).attr("disabled") === typeof undefined || $(this).attr("disabled") === false) && ($(this).val()==""||$(this).val()==null) && bValidationCheck) { // If the value is empty/blank, they haven't filled in a required field, tell them so! alert("Please fill in all of the required fields!"); bValidationCheck = 0; $(this).focus(); return; } }); // Loop through all required inputs $("select[required][class^='ShopProd']").each(function(){ // Check if it has no value if((typeof $(this).attr("disabled") === typeof undefined || $(this).attr("disabled") === false) && ($(this).val()==""||$(this).val()==null) && bValidationCheck) { // If the value is empty/blank, they haven't filled in a required field, tell them so! alert("Please fill in all of the required fields!"); bValidationCheck = 0; $(this).focus(); return; } }); if(!bValidationCheck) return; // check that they aren't already ordering more than available // ============================================================ if (bShopLimitOrderByStockLevels==1) { // check bShopLimitOrderByStockLevels which defines whether to limit by stock levels (this comes from the Settings managed in the WSM) // check whether there are options for this product // Format the URL to call via ajax to check stock available (this INCLUDES stock in the basket) var sAjaxURL_ForStockAvailable= "ajax/shop_basket_stock-amount-available.php?nShopProd_ID="+nShopProd_ID; // also format a URL for stock in basket (used later) var sAjaxURL_ForStockInBasket = "ajax/shop_basket_already-in-basket.php?nShopProd_ID="+nShopProd_ID; // use ajax to find out how many are in stock (minus whats already in the basket, if applicable), using the URL worked out above $.get(sAjaxURL_ForStockAvailable, function(data) { // get the result $('.result').html(data); // save the results var nStockAvailable = parseInt(data); // check to see if the qty being ordered is greater than the amount in stock + amount already in basket if (nQty > nStockAvailable) { // log this in the goal tracking $.get("ajax/shop_basket_goal-track_out-of-stock.php?nShopProd_ID="+nShopProd_ID+"&nQuantity=" + nQty, function(GoalScript) { $("head").append(GoalScript); }); // display an error message // work out how many are in the basket so this can be reflected in the error message (if applicable) $.get(sAjaxURL_ForStockInBasket, function(data) { // get the result $('.result').html(data); // save the results var nStockInBasket = parseInt(data); // populate the start of the error message var sError = "I'm sorry but we can't add the required quantity of this item into your basket because we don't have enough available.\n\nPlease find information below\n\n=================================="; // add information // qty user is trying to add sError += "\n\nNumber you're trying to add to the basket: " + nQty; // qty available sError += "\n\nNumber we have available: " + nStockAvailable; // qty in basket if (nStockInBasket>0) { sError += "\n\nNumber already in your basket: " + nStockInBasket; } // output the error alert(sError + "\n"); }); } else { // call add to basket go function fBuy_AddToBasket_Go(nShopProd_ID, nNumberOfProdOptions, bCalledFromModal); } }); } else { // log this in goal tracking $.get("ajax/shop_basket_goal-track.php?nShopProd_ID="+nShopProd_ID+"&nQuantity=" + nQty, function(GoalScript) { $("head").append(GoalScript); }); // call add to basket go function fBuy_AddToBasket_Go(nShopProd_ID, nNumberOfProdOptions, bCalledFromModal); } } // add to basket go function // ========================= function fBuy_AddToBasket_Go(nShopProd_ID, nNumberOfProdOptions, bCalledFromModal) { // Fade overlay in $(".add-to-basket-overlay").fadeIn(300); var oData = new FormData(); oData.append("nShopProd_ID", nShopProd_ID); oData.append("nQty", document.getElementById('nQty').value); var sAjaxURL = 'ajax/shop_basket_add_exec.php'; // If this is a variation if(nShopProd_ID == nNewShopProd_ID) { // Let the ajax know oData.append("eType", "variation-option"); oData.append("nParentShopProd_ID", nCurrentShopProd_ID); } // work out the URL to call based on whether there are options or personalisations for this product or not // check for personalisation inputs and append them as well $("input, select, textarea").filter("[data-personalisation-id][type!='file']").each(function(){ var sID = $(this).data('personalisation-id'); oData.append('inputfield'+sID, $(this).val()); }); $("input[type='file']").each(function(){ var oThisData = $(this)[0].files; // attach the data to the AJAX post for(var i = 0; i < oThisData.length; i++) { // work out the name for the field // is this a CustomCoverImage image? if ( ($(this)[0].name=="CustomCoverImage1") || ($(this)[0].name=="CustomCoverImage2") || ($(this)[0].name=="CustomCoverImage3") ) { // name it after the field name var sFieldName = $(this)[0].name; } else { // it's a personalisation... so attach the personalisation-id stored in the input HTML var sFieldName = 'inputfield'+$(this).data('personalisation-id') + "-" + i; } // attach data oData.append(sFieldName, oThisData[i]); } }); $("#nVehicleModel_ID").each(function(){ oData.append('nVehicleModel_ID', $(this).val()); }); // call the add basket exec page $.ajax({ url: sAjaxURL, method: 'POST', data: oData, processData: false, contentType: false }).success(function(sData){ // get the result $('.result').html(sData); // Fade overlay out $(".add-to-basket-overlay").fadeOut(300); // close the modal window (if this has been called from the modal) if (bCalledFromModal==1) { $( "#dialogAddToBasket" ).dialog( "close" ); } // update the basket counter fShopBasketUpdateCounter(); // alert the results alert(sData); // RELATED ITEMS SYSTEM // ==================== if(bRelatedItems) { // Check if item was successfully added to the basket, if so then show the related items modal, if not then don't if(sData.indexOf("was added to your basket!") >= 0) { // Check for related items for the product that has been added to basket // ===================================================================== // Create FormData() variable to pass information to AJAX file var oData = new FormData(); // Create string to store what's going into the modal var sModalData = ""; // Create array to store all related items so we can check if an item already exists before we store it in the modal data var aRelatedItems = new Array(); // Append trigger nShopProd_ID to related items array so the same item doesn't get shown as a related item that has just been bought aRelatedItems.push(parseInt(nShopProd_ID)); // Append nShopProd_ID to be passed through AJAX oData.append("nShopProd_ID", nShopProd_ID); // Append the vehicle model ID to oData so that we can make any connected wind deflectors show up in the related items modal if ($('#nVehicleModel_ID').length > 0) { oData.append("nVehicleModel_ID", $('#nVehicleModel_ID').val()); } // AJAX function to return all rules triggered by product added to basket $.ajax({ url: 'ajax/shop_basket_add_exec_related-item-rules_get-rules-for-trigger-product.php', method: 'POST', data: oData, processData: false, contentType: false }).success(function(sData){ // GET ALL RULES TRIGGERED BY THIS PRODUCT // ======================================= // Parse JSON Data to get rules var oRuleResult = JSON.parse(sData); // If the parsed data isn't empty, there are rules triggered by this product if(oRuleResult.length > 0) { // Set flag to 0 so we can check if new items exist for this rule that haven't already // been shown. If there aren't any new items then we won't store the rule explanation // as we won't want to show an empty rule with no related items, or a rule with duplicate // related items //var bNewItemsFlag = 0; // FOR EACH RULE // ============= // A callback function to parse the rule results and get related items for each rule function ajaxLoop(nCurrentIndex, nMaxIndex, oRuleResult) { // Create a string for HTML for each item for this rule to be shown in modal var sItemData = ""; // Get the rule id and store it to pass through with AJAX var nRule_ID = oRuleResult[nCurrentIndex].nShopRelatedItemsRule_ID; oData.append("nRule_ID", nRule_ID); // Get the rule explanation to store in the modal data later if there are related items for that rule var sExplanation = "
"; // GET RELATED ITEMS // ================= // Find all the related items for this rule $.ajax({ url: 'ajax/shop_basket_add_exec_related-item-rules_get-related-prods-for-a-rule.php', method: 'POST', data: oData, processData: false, contentType: false }).success(function(sData){ // Parse JSON Data to get related items var oResult = JSON.parse(sData); // Make sure new items flag is 0 before we start checking all the related items bNewItemsFlag = 0; // If there are related items... if(oResult.length > 0) { // For each related item, check if nShopProd_ID already exists in related items for(var i = 0; i < oResult.length; i++) { // Get nShopProd_ID and HTML for related item var nShopProd_ID = oResult[i]; var sHTML = oResult[i+1]; // Does nShopProd_ID already exist in related items array? if(aRelatedItems.indexOf(parseInt(nShopProd_ID)) < 0) { // If nShopProd_ID doesn't exist in array, store related item id in array to check for duplicates later aRelatedItems.push(parseInt(nShopProd_ID)); // Store the HTML for the new item in sItemData to be shown later in modal sItemData += sHTML; // Change flag to 1 as there are new things to show in modal bNewItemsFlag = 1; } // Increment counter so the for loop goes to the next shop prod in the array i++; } } // end if there are related items // If there are new items, put explanation and related items into a ModalData to append to modal-body for this rule later if(bNewItemsFlag == 1) { // div to surround rule and related items sModalData += '
'; // rule explanation sModalData += sExplanation; // related items, with the same article, section, and div surrounding them that they have on catalogue list sModalData += '
'; // end of surrounding div sModalData += '
'; } // If we've looked at the last rule, we're done and can append the data and show the modal if(nCurrentIndex == nMaxIndex) { if(sModalData != "") { $('#relatedItemsModal .modal-body').html(sModalData); $('#relatedItemsModal').modal('show'); } } // If there are more rules to look at, run this callback function again but increase the current index else { ajaxLoop(nCurrentIndex+1, nMaxIndex, oRuleResult); } }); // end ajax function } // End of callback function // Call the AJAX function to loop through the rules ajaxLoop(0, oRuleResult.length-1, oRuleResult); } // end if parsed data isn't empty else { fRedirectToBasket(); } }); // end ajax function for checking for rule } // end if item successfully added to basket, check for related items } // end feature check // END RELATED ITEMS SYSTEM // ======================== }); // end ajax function } function fRedirectToBasket() { location.href="https://www.classicadditions.com/en-GB/basket/page_907"; } function fShopProdOptions_LoadTradePriceBands (sCSSClassNaming, nShopProd_ID) { var bFilledIn = 0; var sVariationOptions = ""; if($(".ShopProd_"+sCSSClassNaming+"_OptionsDropDown").length) { $(".ShopProd_"+sCSSClassNaming+"_OptionsDropDown").each(function(){ if($(this).val()!="0") { bFilledIn++; sVariationOptions += $(this).val()+","; } }); if(bFilledIn<$(".ShopProd_"+sCSSClassNaming+"_OptionsDropDown").length || bFilledIn == 0) { sVariationOptions = ""; } } if (sVariationOptions!="") { // nShopProdOption_ID is specified - so go get the data $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "ajax/catalogue_detail_trade-price-band-table-for-variations.php", data: {sCSSClassNaming:sCSSClassNaming, nShopProd_ID:nShopProd_ID, nShopProdVariationOption_IDs:sVariationOptions} }).done(function(msg){ $("#ShopProd_TradePriceBands").html(msg); }); } else { // no nShopProdOption_ID specified so empty the div $("#ShopProd_TradePriceBands").html(""); } } // close buy modal // ===================== function fBuy_Close() { // close the modal window $( "#dialogAddToBasket" ).dialog( "close" ); } // page numbers // ============= function fPageChange(nPageNo, reload) { if(typeof(reload) === 'undefined') { reload = true; } $.ajax({ data: 'nPageNumber=' + escape(nPageNo), url: 'ajax/pagination.php', type: 'POST', success: function(response) { if(reload) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 0); window.location.reload(); } }, error: function(response) { console.log(response); } }); } // ITEMS PER PAGE // =============== function fItemsPerPage(nItemsPerPage) { $.cookie('nItemsPerPage', nItemsPerPage); fPageChange(1,true); } // EMAIL TO A FRIEND // ================== // show modal box // =============== function fEmailToAFriend_Show() { // load the add to basket modal $( "#dialogEmailToAFriend" ).dialog(); $( "#dialogEmailToAFriend" ).dialog( "option", "height", 350 ); $( "#dialogEmailToAFriend" ).dialog( "option", "width", 350 ); } // close modal box // =============== function fEmailToAFriend_Close() { // load the add to basket modal $( "#dialogEmailToAFriend" ).dialog( "close" ); } // submit form (form verification) // ================================ function fEmailToAFriend_Submit(nShopProd_ID) { // form fields var sYourName = document.getElementById('sEmailToAFriend_YourName').value; var sYourEmail = document.getElementById('sEmailToAFriend_YourEmail').value; var sTheirName = document.getElementById('sEmailToAFriend_TheirName').value; var sTheirEmail = document.getElementById('sEmailToAFriend_TheirEmail').value; // form verification var sErr = ""; if (sYourName=="") { sErr+="\n - Please enter your name"; } if (fCheckEmail(sYourEmail)=="invalid") { sErr+="\n - Your email address isn't valid"; } if (sTheirName=="") { sErr+="\n - Please enter your friend's name"; } if (fCheckEmail(sTheirEmail)=="invalid") { sErr+="\n - Your friend's email address isn't valid"; } if (sErr!="") { alert("There were some problems submitting the form. Please see below:\n"+sErr); } else { fEmailToAFriend_Process(nShopProd_ID); } // submit form via ajax } // submit form (process) // ================================ function fEmailToAFriend_Process(nShopProd_ID) { // form fields var sYourName = document.getElementById('sEmailToAFriend_YourName').value; var sYourEmail = document.getElementById('sEmailToAFriend_YourEmail').value; var sTheirName = document.getElementById('sEmailToAFriend_TheirName').value; var sTheirEmail = document.getElementById('sEmailToAFriend_TheirEmail').value; var bSubscribe = document.getElementById('bEmailToAFriend_Subscribe').checked; // define AJAX url var sAjaxURL = "ajax/catalogue_detail_email-to-a-friend_exec.php?sYourName=" + sYourName + "&sYourEmail=" + sYourEmail + "&sTheirName=" + sTheirName + "&sTheirEmail=" + sTheirEmail + "&nShopProd_ID=" + nShopProd_ID + "&bSubscribe=" + bSubscribe; // call ajax URL $.get(sAjaxURL, function(data) { // get the result $('.result').html(data); // close the modal window $( "#dialogEmailToAFriend" ).dialog( "close" ); // alert the results $("head").append(data); }); } // EMAIL ENQUIRY // ============== // show modal box // =============== function fEmailEnquiry_Show() { // load the add to basket modal $( "#dialogEmailEnquiry" ).dialog(); $( "#dialogEmailEnquiry" ).dialog( "option", "height", 420 ); $( "#dialogEmailEnquiry" ).dialog( "option", "width", 350 ); } // close modal box // =============== function fEmailEnquiry_Close() { // load the add to basket modal $( "#dialogEmailEnquiry" ).dialog( "close" ); } // submit form (form verification) // ================================ function fEmailEnquiry_Submit(nShopProd_ID) { // form fields var sYourName = document.getElementById('sEmailEnquiry_YourName').value; var sYourEmail = document.getElementById('sEmailEnquiry_YourEmail').value; var sEnquiry = document.getElementById('sEmailEnquiry_Enquiry').value; // form verification var sErr = ""; if (sYourName=="") { sErr+="\n - Please enter your name"; } if (fCheckEmail(sYourEmail)=="invalid") { sErr+="\n - Your email address isn't valid"; } if (sEnquiry=="") { sErr+="\n - Please enter your enquiry / message"; } if (sErr!="") { alert("There were some problems submitting the form. Please see below:\n"+sErr); } else { fEmailEnquiry_Process(nShopProd_ID); } // submit form via ajax } // submit form (process) // ================================ function fEmailEnquiry_Process(nShopProd_ID) { // form fields var sYourName = document.getElementById('sEmailEnquiry_YourName').value; var sYourEmail = document.getElementById('sEmailEnquiry_YourEmail').value; var sEnquiry = document.getElementById('sEmailEnquiry_Enquiry').value; var bSubscribe = document.getElementById('bEmailEnquiry_Subscribe').checked; // define AJAX url var sAjaxURL = "ajax/catalogue_detail_enquiry_exec.php?sYourName=" + sYourName + "&sYourEmail=" + sYourEmail + "&sEnquiry=" + sEnquiry + "&nShopProd_ID=" + nShopProd_ID + '&bSubscribe=' + bSubscribe; // call ajax URL $.get(sAjaxURL, function(data) { // get the result $('.result').html(data); // close the modal window $( "#dialogEmailEnquiry" ).dialog( "close" ); // alert the results $("head").append(data); }); } // MADE TO ORDER // ============== // show modal box // =============== function fMadeToOrder_Show() { // load the made to order modal $( "#dialogMadeToOrder" ).dialog(); $( "#dialogMadeToOrder" ).dialog( "option", "height", 430 ); $( "#dialogMadeToOrder" ).dialog( "option", "width", 350 ); } // close modal box // =============== function fMadeToOrder_Close() { // load the add to basket modal $( "#dialogMadeToOrder" ).dialog( "close" ); } // submit form (form verification) // ================================ function fMadeToOrder_Submit(nShopProd_ID) { // form fields var sYourName = document.getElementById('sMadeToOrder_Name').value; var sYourEmail = document.getElementById('sMadeToOrder_Email').value; var sYourTel = document.getElementById('sMadeToOrder_Tel').value; var sRequirements = document.getElementById('sMadeToOrder_Requirements').value; // form verification var sErr = ""; if (sYourName=="") { sErr+="\n - Please enter your name"; } if (fCheckEmail(sYourEmail)=="invalid") { sErr+="\n - Your email address isn't valid"; } if (sYourTel=="") { sErr+="\n - Please enter a contact number"; } if (sRequirements=="") { sErr+="\n - Please enter your requirements"; } if (sErr!="") { alert("There were some problems submitting the form. Please see below:\n"+sErr); } else { fMadeToOrder_Process(nShopProd_ID); } // submit form via ajax } // submit form (process) // ================================ function fMadeToOrder_Process(nShopProd_ID) { // form fields var sYourName = document.getElementById('sMadeToOrder_Name').value; var sYourEmail = document.getElementById('sMadeToOrder_Email').value; var sYourTel = document.getElementById('sMadeToOrder_Tel').value; var sRequirements = document.getElementById('sMadeToOrder_Requirements').value; // define AJAX url var sAjaxURL = "ajax/catalogue_detail_made-to-order_exec.php?sYourName=" + sYourName + "&sYourTel=" + sYourTel + "&sYourEmail=" + sYourEmail + "&sRequirements=" + sRequirements + "&nShopProd_ID=" + nShopProd_ID; // call ajax URL $.get(sAjaxURL, function(data) { // get the result $('.result').html(data); // close the modal window $( "#dialogMadeToOrder" ).dialog( "close" ); // alert the results alert(data); }); } function fUpdateCountdown(oElement, nMaxLength) { var ID = oElement.id.replace("inputfield",""); nMaxLength = nMaxLength - oElement.value.length; $('.sCountdown'+ID).text(nMaxLength); if(nMaxLength!=1) { $('.sCountdownPlural'+ID).text("s"); } else { $('.sCountdownPlural'+ID).text(""); } } /* * VARIATION SYSTEM * */ var sOriginalPriceRange = ''; var nNewShopProd_ID = 0; var nCurrentShopProd_ID = 0; function fUpdateDropdowns() { // We do these in order that we find them. if (typeof aOptionsArray === 'undefined') { return; } var aTmpArray = aOptionsArray; var sCombination = ""; var bAllFound = 1; $("select[name$='nShopProdVariationOption_ID']").each(function(){ // First, get it's currently selected option var nCurrentVal = $(this).val(); // For each option it CAN have, check it exists in this context, if it doesn't, hide it $(this).children().each(function(){ if(!aTmpArray.hasOwnProperty($(this).attr("value")) && $(this).attr("value") != "0") { $(this).hide(); } else { $(this).show(); } }); // Check if it IS in the array, if it IS, set aTmpArray to it, if it isn't, set our value to 0 if(aTmpArray.hasOwnProperty(nCurrentVal)) { // Add it to the combination if(sCombination == "") { sCombination = nCurrentVal; } else { sCombination += "_" + nCurrentVal; } aTmpArray = aTmpArray[nCurrentVal]; } else { $(this).val('0'); bAllFound = 0; } }); // If all options were found, get the combination ID, price and stock count if(bAllFound == 1) { if(sOriginalPriceRange=="") { sOriginalPriceRange = $(".ShopProd_"+sCSSClassNaming+"_Price_MainPrice").html(); } nNewShopProd_ID = aCombinationsArray[sCombination]; //alert(nNewShopProd_ID); var oShopProd = aShopProdArray[nNewShopProd_ID]; //console.log(oShopProd); if(bTrade == 0) { $(".ShopProd_"+sCSSClassNaming+"_Price_MainPrice").html(oShopProd.nTotal); $(".ShopProd_Detail_Top_Price_MainPrice").html(oShopProd.nTotal); // Klarna update - Make it so that if we have klarna on site messeging, we update // the amount being shown as well if( $("#klarna-badge").length ) { // Remove all non-digit characters using regex (Also remove any font based content incase there is an offer) var nDigitsOnly = oShopProd.nTotal.replace(/]*>[\s\S]*?<\/font>/gi, ''); var nDigitsOnly = nDigitsOnly.replace(/\D/g, ''); // Update the Klarna badge $("#klarna-badge").attr("data-purchase-amount", nDigitsOnly); // If we have klarna if (window.Klarna && window.Klarna.OnsiteMessaging) { window.Klarna.OnsiteMessaging.refresh(); } } } $("#nStockTotal").val(oShopProd.nStockTotal); } // If not, reset price and stock else { if(sOriginalPriceRange!="") { $(".ShopProd_"+sCSSClassNaming+"_Price_MainPrice").html(sOriginalPriceRange); $(".ShopProd_Detail_Top_Price_MainPrice").html(sOriginalPriceRange); } $("#nStockTotal").val(0); } // Classic Additions Colour Fix if($("select[data-personalisation-id='147']").length && $("select[name='128nShopProdVariationOption_ID']")) { var oColourBox = $("select[name='128nShopProdVariationOption_ID']"); var oMirrorBox = $("select[data-personalisation-id='147']"); if(oMirrorBox.parent().is(":visible")) { if(oColourBox.val()=="399" || oColourBox.val()=="401" || oColourBox.val()=="3433" || oColourBox.val()=="3432" || oColourBox.val()=="3436") { oMirrorBox.hide(); oMirrorBox.val(""); oMirrorBox.attr("disabled","disabled"); oMirrorBox.parent().find(".mirror-pockets-unavailable").show(); } else { oMirrorBox.show(); oMirrorBox.removeAttr("disabled"); oMirrorBox.parent().find(".mirror-pockets-unavailable").hide(); } } } }